Home Diet An intro to the raw food diet

An intro to the raw food diet

by shedboy71

Anytime you watch the news, read a magazine, surf the internet, or read the newspaper one thing is clear – we are concerned about our health. There are several different ways to achieve a better state of health. You can make diet and lifestyle changes that result in you reaching your goals. But unfortunately, we often turn to fad diets and extreme exercising in order to achieve what we believe to be a normal state of health.

Well, doing things that are extreme are not necessarily good for you. The body is a very complex machine. It takes the right nutrients in order for it to perform optimally. Our modern diets are depleted in a lot of these nutrients and it makes it difficult to achieve the level of health that we really want. Even a diet that is healthy by certain standards may not contain all we need. That is, unless, we consume a high amount of raw foods in order to make up for it.

One of the best ways out there to live a healthy lifestyle is to make the switch and eat a diet made up of mainly raw foods. This includes any food that is in its uncooked state. Because raw foods contain a high amount of nutrients, especially if the raw foods are also organic, it can help clear up certain health problems like obesity and heart disease and cause you to live a life that is filled with energy and free of disease.

Celebrities have embraced this way of eating as well. In fact, this is a diet that countless celebrities, like Alicia Silverstone, have endorsed in the past. They hear about it, try it, and decide that it is one of the healthiest diets out there. In fact, most people who enjoy the raw foods diet are convinced it’s responsible for their increased energy and improved health. All they need to do is read the facts about it and then try it. The resulting energy and improved state of health are certainly enough to convince them.


A raw foods diet is one that contains mostly food that is in its uncooked form. Food can be heated to a certain extent, but not if it reaches above 116 degrees Fahrenheit. This is because high temperatures can destroy the nutrients and other things that make the diet so healthy.

However, some people mistakenly believe that the raw foods diet contains no cooked foods. This is not true because some raw foodists eat a diet with as little as 60% raw foods and as much as 100%. People who are new to eating a raw foods diet may choose to stick to the lower end. As they realize how helpful this diet really is to their health, they may increase the amount of raw food in their diet. This is good news for them because some people want to make the switch but are not willing to go “cold turkey”. They want something gradual. Besides, changing to a raw foods diet all at once may not be good for your digestive system. You need to give the body adequate time to adapt to the new way of eating.

Despite that one minor thing, this is a desirable diet in a lot of ways. The foods can be incredibly diverse because there are a lot of creative chefs out there who have put together some really creative recipes. And think about it. Ever since childhood we have been told to eat our fruits and vegetables. When we diet one of the first things we do is reach for the raw veggies as a snack because they’re filling, satisfying, and low calorie. Interesting how the things people were saying to us in childhood have come true – they weren’t just myths. Raw foods really are good for you.

Some raw foodists practice what is known as raw veganism – they endorse an entirely plant based diet. Others eat things like raw meats, raw fish, raw eggs, non-pasteurized and non-homogenized dairy products in addition to the uncooked plant foods. It is important to note that one has to be really careful when putting this kind of diet together, however. Some foods can be harmful when eaten raw. However, we’ll go over that later.

In order to follow a raw foods diet, care needs to be taken that more than half, or at least sixty per cent, of all of the food you consume need to be in their raw state. If this is a lifestyle you are considering, keep these things in mind as you make the switch or think about making the change.

• A raw foods diet should include little, if any, cooked foods. In fact, foods can be heated but the amount aloud is not that much. If you want to eat a pure raw foods diet nothing can be cooked.

• Being a vegan is an additional, optional choice. However, even though some animal foods are allowed it is certainly easier to eat an entirely plant based diet. That’s why most raw foodists are actually vegetarian and some are even complete vegans.

• Eating organic food is another way to increase the benefits of the raw food diet. This is because organic food is much higher in nutrients.

• Another great thing about the raw foods diet is that there aren’t a lot of convenience foods out there which further add to the health benefits. However, you can find packaged foods in the store. These are very good for you, however, and not considered processed foods at all.

• Eating a raw foods diet definitely saves you time in the kitchen because you won’t need to prepare elaborate meals. However, there are some recipes. It’s just that there aren’t a lot of complex meals t hat are being made. This saves you a lot of hassle when preparing meals.

Of course, if you’ve been following the raw foods diet, these are things you’ve already experienced. This is a diet that when followed correctly and with the right mindset it can benefit your life and your health considerably. And if you are looking to make the switch, it is easy to follow especially if you choose the vegan route.


It is also important to understand that there are different levels of being a raw foodist. Here are the choices:

• Eat a 100% raw diet that doesn’t include any cooked foods at all.

• Be a raw foods vegan where 100% of your diet comes from plant sources. This is optional because you can still find raw animal sources of foods such as raw oysters and raw milk straight from the cow.

• Be a raw food vegetarian in some form. Lacto-ovo vegetarians only eat plant based foods as well as dairy and eggs. Remember that all dairy and egg products need to be in their raw state. You can also eat only dairy and plant foods or only egg and plant foods.

• Eat a partial raw foods diet. You can still be considered a raw foodist by eating as little as a 60% raw foods diet. This is something that is great for a beginner but you also may want to stick with this exclusively as you get more experienced.

These are just some of the things to keep in mind as you work through this ebook and decide to make the switch. If you are undecided if this is truly the lifestyle for you, you may want to have a 60% raw foods diet at first and not worry about omitting animal foods for now. You can always transition to something more dramatic as a personal choice later on in your journey.


To be fair, there are critics of this kind of eating as well. For example, it has been said that people living in cold climates shouldn’t follow a raw foods diet. Some people find that eating all raw food doesn’t agree with them. Others don’t feel as if the diet is very satisfying or tasty. And still others are not convinced that all the hype is true.

Another thing that concerns a lot of people is the fact that the raw food diet lacks variety. Yes, you can prepare raw foods into an array of pleasing recipes. But cooked food is part of what makes eating so interesting. Critics of the raw foods diet believe that raw foods should be eaten, but it is okay to have cooked food as well. It is also important to understand that some foods, like tomatoes show an increase in their health benefits when they are cooked. If eaten raw they are still nutritious, just not as nutritious as they could be.

However, this eBook will focus on the benefits, not what the critics say. The fact is, eating raw foods has benefited a lot of people and has made them healthier. As you make the decision whether or not to change to a raw food diet, or continue eating a raw food diet, keep in mind that it isn’t for everyone. It is important to check with your doctor before undergoing any drastic changes.

Note that as you make the switch you may experience some gastric discomfort. As your body adapts to a new, healthier way of eating these symptoms should subside. If they don’t go away, you should see a doctor. This discomfort, however, can be minimized if the changes are made gradually, not dramatically.

Remember that it is important to see a doctor if you are deciding to make the switch. If you have health problems they may want to monitor your progress. Also some people may not be suited for this kind of diet. It will be up to you and your doctor to decide what you want to do.

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