Home 100 tips 100 diet tips

100 diet tips

by shedboy71

81. Eating BBQ.
If you like to eat meat, especially during the weekends, then you should eat more barbeque. When you barbeque meat, you would actually be burning off more of its fat content, while you are cooking it. Thus, it is time to fire up your barbeque grill, so that you can enjoy your favorite meat without having to worry about getting fat.

82. Eating more spinach.
When you are at the grocery store to buy more green leafy vegetables, you should prioritize spinach more than the other ones. This is because it contains more fiber than the other kinds. With more fiber intake, you would be helping your body in burning more fats, as well as in curbing your appetite.

83. Choosing the best kind of cheese.
If you are one of the many people who love cheese, instead of the regular kind, you should purchase the one that is made out of the goat’s milk. This is because cheese products that are made from goat’s milk are actually lower in calories, than those made out of the cow’s milk by 40 percent. Thus, try to search for this kind of cheese to lose weight.

84. Eat more good fats to get rid of bad fats.
Eating the good kind of fats is one of the best ways to get rid of the other kind. Some of the best sources for good fats would include walnuts, rapeseed oil, and eggs. Aside from helping your body in burning off fats, they can also reduce your risk to heart diseases.

85. Eating oats for breakfast.
Many people today eat cooked oats for breakfast in the attempt to lose weight. This can actually help you lose weight, since oats are filled with lots of fiber. When you have a
breakfast meal that is loaded with fiber, it would make you feel full even when it is almost lunch time. Thus, it can help you control your portions.

86. Eating an apple few minutes before a meal.
An apple a day would not just keep the doctor away, but it can also keep fats away from your body. All you have to do is to eat an apple around 15 minutes before meal time. It can suppress your appetite effectively, which can help you consume lesser amounts of calories.

87. Using olive oil on your salad.
If you think that eating salads won’t make you fat, it is actually true, only if you are conscious about the amount that you intake. Thus, it is best if you gain control of the portion of salad that you would eat. One thing you can do is to use olive oil on it, which has good fatty acids that can tell your body that it is already full.

88. Eat more times in a day.
Instead of eating only 2 or 3 times in a day, you should eat 5 to 6 times to lose weight. Just be mindful of your portions though, so that you won’t gain more. Eating in between meals can help in boosting your metabolism, since your body would constantly process the foods that you introduce to it.

89. Fill up your sandwiches with tomatoes.
When you make a sandwich for breakfast or for a snack, put some tomatoes on it. This would ensure that you would feel full a lot longer. Aside from that, tomatoes also has components, which can suppress the production of the hormone called ghrelin. With that, it would help you control your hunger pangs.

90. Eating pineapples.
Eating pineapples is actually one of the best ways of losing weight. This is because, apart from having good amounts of fiber, it can also boost your metabolism when you eat it during snack times. Aside from that, it also has bromolina, which can help your body in breaking down proteins.

91. Eat oranges.
Eating more oranges can help you lose weight, due to its high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is actually one of the substances, which can help your body in converting fats into energy. Thus, when you eat more oranges, you are actually helping your body in utilizing your stored fats as sources of energy. On top of that, oranges are also good sources of fiber, which can help suppress your appetite effectively.

92. Enjoy eating with a friend.
Research shows that when people eat with their friends or other individuals, they tend to match their intake to others. Thus, you should eat with a friend who does not eat too much food. If you are a guy, then eat with a lady friend, so that you can consume lesser amount of foods than your usual ration.

93. Drinking energy drinks.
Although some people would tell you to drink energy drinks to boost you energy levels, they are actually bad news when it comes to losing weight. This is because such drinks release their energy too quickly. When that happens, your body won’t be able to utilize them, which can prompt it to store excess energy as fats.

94. Swapping your regular milk with skimmed milk.
Drinking milk is a healthy practice, especially if you go with the skimmed type. This is because skimmed milk actually contains half the amount of calories that regular milk products have. Aside from that, they also contain more phosphorus and calcium, which can help your body in breaking down fats.

95. Adding vinegar to your sauces and salads.
Food dressings that contain vinegar can actually help you in burning more fats. This is because they contain acetic acid, which can speed up your body’s ability of processing calories and fats. Thus, it is time that you go with vinegar based sauces and dressings, so that you can lose weight soon.

96. Don’t go with diet programs that are too restrictive.
When it comes to choosing your diet programs, it is best not to go with those that are too restrictive. This is because, such kinds of programs can prevent your body from absorbing nutrients that it needs. When that happens, your body could go on a survival mode, in which it would try to save all its stored fats and calories, and slow down your metabolic rate.

97. Try to have at least one or two bowel movements per day.
When you try to have at least one or two bowel movements each day, you would become more conscious on the foods that you eat. Aside from that, it can also help you become more conscious on the amount of water you drink. Because of that, it can help you observe healthy practices.

98. Make your own fruit juice.
Drinking a cup of fruit juice that you made from fresh fruits is actually better than drinking powdered or artificial fruit juice products. Fruit juices are filled with vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Aside from that, it can also help you suppress your appetite, since it can make you feel fuller.

99. Drink green tea to burn fats.
Green tea can help you lose weight along with a diet, since it can burn fats fast. Aside from that, it can also boost your energy levels, which can help you perform more physical activities. Moreover, it can also boost your immune system.

100. Don’t set your expectations too high.
When you start on your diet program, you should not set expectations that are too high. This is because, it can get you discouraged if you are not able to attain your goals as fast as you have expected. Therefore, you need to set goals that are more achievable, so that you can maintain good motivation when you are able to attain them.

101. Understanding portion sizes better.
When you do your research about dieting and read about controlling the amount of food you intake, you may not have an idea, when it comes to the right portion size. In relation to that, you can actually use your fist as your reference for it. Thus, whenever you try to fill up your plate with food, make sure that it does not go beyond the size of your fist.

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