I’m not going to lie to you. Switching to a new diet can be very challenging. It definitely will take quite a bit of effort. It definitely requires a lot …
Perfecting A Backswing Quickly & Easily In order to get more extension & turn in your backswing, there are a few simple things that you can do to help. One …
Introduction- How To Become A Great Putter Beginner golfers tend to think that the type of putter used is what makes a great shot. However, the truth is that you …
Introduction Whether you are a new golfer or a seasoned pro, you’ll enjoy these quick tips on how to deal with bunkers. It’s never a good feeling when you see …
In this article we provide you with 19 keto based recipes Lets get started Breakfast Recipes 1. Egg Salad Serves 6 Ingredients 1/3 cup of finely minced white onion ½ …
Fudge 3 cups semisweet chocolate chips 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk 1/4 cup butter 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) Place chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk, and butter or margarine in large microwaveable bowl. Zap in microwave on medium until chips are melted, about …
5 Common Misconceptions about the Paleo Diet Even though the paleo diet has thousands of followers, seen a surge in popularity and has been around for a few years, there …
Have a positive thinking. Of course, it is easier said than done. But it can be practiced. If you always look at things in a positive way even when everything …
Your skin is the largest organ of your body, weighing from two to four kilos. It also completely refurbishes itself every 7 to 10 weeks. Depending on your state of …
Energy and Defence Smoothies Okay, so you know why smoothies are so good for you, you know how to make them and you know how to avoid the common pitfalls… …