Do you think chicken is boring, fed up with just eating plain or roast chicken then check out these recipes to give you some inspiration
A one ounce milk chocolate bar has 6 mg of caffeine.
A person infected with the SARS virus, has a 95-98% chance of recovery.
A toaster uses almost half as much energy as a full-sized oven.
A volcano has enough power to shoot ash as high as 50 km into the atmosphere.
About twenty-five percent of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light.
Airports that are at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air density.
Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he declined.
Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were both epileptic.
All babies are color blind when they are born.
Americans did not commonly use forks until after the Civil War.
An airplane mechanic invented Slinky while he was playing with engine parts and realized the possible secondary use for the springs.
An apple, potato, and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged.
An earthquake on Dec. 16, 1811 caused parts of the Mississippi River to flow backwards.
Another name for a Microsoft Windows tutorial is ‘Crash Course’!
Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country.
Approximately 25,000 workers died during the building of the Panama Canal, and approximately 20,000 of them contracted malaria and yellow fever.
Astronauts get taller when they are in space.
Babies who wear disposable diapers are five times more likely to develop diaper rash than those that wear cotton diapers.
Babies’ eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately six to eight weeks old.
Because metal was scarce; the Oscars given out during World War II were made of plaster.
Before toilet paper was invented, French royalty wiped their bottoms with fine linen. is currently the most expensive domain name sold for $7.5 million.
Buttermilk does not contain any butter.
By partially filling saucers with vinegar and distributing the saucers around a room, you can eliminate odors.
Canada is an Indian word meaning ‘Big Village’.
Children are more allergic to cockroaches than they are to cats!
Cleopatra married two of her brothers.
Common pesticides such as roach, termite, and flea insecticide can be found in the bodies of majority of Americans.
Crayola is a French word that means ‘Oily chalk.'”
Duracell, the battery-maker, built parts of its new international headquarters using materials from its own waste.
During World War II, Uncle Ben’s was the exclusive supplier of rice to the U.S. Armed Forces.
Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.
Early Romans used to use porcupine quills as toothpicks.
Fine-grained volcanic ash can be found as an ingredient in some toothpastes.
From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size.
Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones.
George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.
In 1897, Bayer, who is the maker of Aspirin, marketed the drug heroin.
In 1998, Sony accidently sold 700,000 camcorders that had the technology to see through people’s clothes.
In New York City, approximately 1,600 people are bitten by other humans every year.
Indoor pollution is 10 times more toxic than outdoor pollution.
Infants spend more time dreaming than adults do.
It costs about 3 cents to make a $1 bill in the United States.
It takes about 63,000 trees to make the newsprint for the average Sunday edition of The New York Times.
King Kong was Adolf Hitler’s favorite movie.
Leather skin does not have any smell. The leather smell that you sense is actually derived from the materials used in the tanning process.
Left-handed people are better at sports that require good spatial judgment and fast reaction, compared to right-handed individuals.
Leonardo da Vinci was dyslexic, and he often wrote backwards.
Malcolm X’s original name is Malcolm Little.
Marie Curie, the Nobel prize winning scientist who discovered radium, died of radiation poisoning.
Medical research has found substances in mistletoe that can slow down tumor growth.
Microsoft made $16,005 in revenue in its first year of operation.
Most dust particles in your house come from dead skin.
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.
New York’s Central Park is nearly twice the size of the entire country of Monaco.
Next to Warsaw, Chicago has the largest Polish population in the world.
Nylon is made from coal and petroleum.
Oil tycoon, John D. Rockefeller, was the world’s first billionaire.
On average, a disposable diaper can hold up to 7 pounds of liquid.
On average, the life span of an American dollar bill is eighteen months.
One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of fresh water.
Paper money is not made from wood pulp but from cotton. This means that it will not disintegrate as fast if it is put in the laundry.
Pilgrims did not eat with forks. They only used spoons, knives and their fingers.
Q-Tip Cotton Swabs were originally called Baby Gays.
Rapper LL Cool J’s name is short for ‘Ladies Love Cool James’.
Reno, Nevada is actually west of Los Angeles, California.
Research indicates that babies who suck on pacifiers are more prone to ear aches.
Some asteroids have other asteroids orbiting them.
Some toothpastes and deodorants contain the same chemicals found in antifreeze.
Tasmania is said to have the cleanest air in the world.
Teflon is the slipperiest substance in the world.
The ‘King Ranch’ in Texas is bigger than the state of Rhode Island.
The ‘vintage date’ on a bottle of wine indicates the year the grapes were picked, not the year of bottling!
The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific Ocean.
The average home creates more pollution than does the average car.
The average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.
The bark of an older redwood tree is fireproof.
The best time for a person to buy shoes is in the afternoon. This is because the foot tends to swell a bit around this time.
The first domain name ever registered was
The first product that Sony came out with was the rice cooker.
The first product that the toy company Mattel came out with was picture frames.
The first toilet being flushed in a motion picture was in the movie Psycho.
The household wrench was invented by boxing heavyweight champion Jack Johnson in 1922.
The IRS employees tax manual has instructions for collecting taxes after a nuclear war.
The leading cause of poisoning for children under the age of six in the home is liquid dish soap.
The most dangerous job in the United States is that of an Alaskan Crab Fisherman.
The only king without a moustache in a deck of cards is the king of hearts.
The revenue that is generated from gambling is more than the revenue that comes from movies, cruise ships, recorded music, theme parks, and spectator sports combined.
The search engine Google got its name from the word ‘googol’, which refers to the number one with a hundred zeros after it.
The U.S. army packs Tabasco pepper sauce in every ration kit that they give to soldiers.
The United States produces enough plastic film annually to cover the entire state of Texas.
The WD in WD-40 stands for Water Displacer.
There are 365 steps on the front of the U.S. Capitol Building – one for every day of the year.
There is a giant mushroom in Oregon that is over 2,400 years old, covers 3.4 square miles of land, and is still growing!
To sell your home faster, and for more money, paint it yellow.
U-Haul is the world’s largest advertiser in the Yellow Pages.
Warner Chappel Music owns the copyright to the song ‘Happy Birthday’. They make over $1 million in royalties every year from the commercial use of the song.
Warren Beatty once worked as a rat-catcher!
Wheel of Fortune star Vanna White holds the record for putting her hands together approximately 140,000 times to clap.
When Scott Paper Company first started manufacturing toilet paper they did not put their name on the product because of embarrassment.
Not sure if these are all still in lace, maybe people can comment underneath
Alabama – It is illegal to play dominoes on Sunday.
Alabama – It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
Alabama – Bear wrestling matches are prohibited.
Alabama – Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death.
Alabama – Men may not spit infront of the opposite sex.
Alabama – Masks may not be worn in public.
Alabama – One must have windsheild wipers on one’s car.
Alabama – Solitare may not be played on Sundays.
Alabama – In Aniston one can’t wear blue jean’s down Noble Street.
Alabama – In Aulburn it’s unlawful for some one to spit upon the sidewalks
Alaska – Huskies are not allowed in school buildings.
Alaska – No child may build a snowman taller than himself on school property.
Alaska – In Fairbanks it’s illigal to feed alcholic beverages to a Moose.
Arizona – Any misdemeanor comitted while wearing a red mask is considered a felony.
Arizona – It’s unlawful to refuse a person a glass of water.
Arizona – Donkeys are not permited to sleep in bathtubs.
Arizona – There is a possible 25 year prison stay for anyone cutting down a cactus.
Arizona – In Glendale it’s illegal to drive a car in reverse.
Arizona – In Globe it’s illegal to play cards in the street with a Native American.
Arizona – In Hayden it’s illegal to disturb bullfrogs or cottentailed rabbits with in the city limits.
Arizona – In Maricopa County no more than 6 girls may live in any house.
Arizona – In Nogales one can’t wear suspenders.
Arizona – In Tombstone it’s illigal for men and women over the age of 18 to have less than 1 missing tooth visible while smiling.
Arizona – In Tucson women can’t wear pants.
Arkansas – A man can beat his wife yet only once per month.
Arkansas – In Little Rock dogs can’t bark after 6pm.
Arkansas – In Little Rock if a man and woman flirt with each other on the streets they could be jailed for 30 days.
California – It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle
California – Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet from a tavern,school or place of worship.
California – Woman can’t drive while wearing a housecoat.
California – Bathhouses are illegal.
California – It’s illegal to eat an orange while in the bathtub.
California – It’s illegal to prevent children from playfully jumping over puddles of water.
California – In Arcadia peacocks have the right of way on any street.
California – In Blyth a person must own two cows before s/he is permitted to wear cowboy boots in public.
California – In Pacific Grove, molesting”butterflies can result in a $500 fine.”
California – In Pasadena it’s illigal for a secratary to be alone in a room with her boss.
California – In Long Beach
California – In Los Angeles it’s also illegal to bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time.
California – In Oakland it’s illegal to rob a birds nest that’s in a public cemetary.
California – In San Fransisco it’s illegal to beat a rug in front of your house
Colorado – It’s illegal to ride a horse while drunk.
Colorado – In Boulder boulders may not be rolled on city property.
Colorado – In Denver it’s illegal to mistreat rats.
Colorado – In Denver it’s also against the law to loan your next door neighbor your vacuum.
Colorado – In Logan County
Connecticut – It’s illegal to dispose of used razorblades.
Connecticut – Any one caught biking (riding a bicycle) over 65mph will be ticketed.
Connecticut – In Devon it’s against the law to walk backwards after sunset.
Connecticut – In Hartford it’s illegal to educate a dog.
Connecticut – In Hartford a man can’t kiss his wife on sundays.
Delaware – R rated movies can’t be shown in drive in theaters.
Delaware – Getting married on a dare is grounds for an annulment.
Delaware – On Fenwich Island it’s illegal to lie down on a beach at night.
Delaware – In Lewes it’s illegal to wear pants that are form fitting”around the waist.”
Delaware – In Rehoboth one may not wisper in church.
Delaware – In Rehoboth changing into or out of a swimsuit in a public restroom is prohibited.
Delaware – In South Bethany anyone walking a dog must carry a bag with them to pick up the dogs poops”or risk a $100 fine.”
Florida – Women can be fined for falling asleep under a hairdryer as can the salon owner.
Florida – It’s illegal for a single
Florida – It’s illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit.
Florida – Walking with in 150ft zone between the streat and a beach while topless is prohibited.
Florida – It’s considered an offense to shower naked.
Florida – It’s illegal to skateboard without a license.
Florida – It’s against the law to put livestock on a schoolbus.
Georgia – It’s illegal for a barber to advertise his prices.
Georgia – It’s illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole.
Georgia – It’s illegal to change the cloths on a store storfront maniquin unless the shades are drawn.
Georgia – A school girl must offer to carry a school boy’s books if they are walking together.
Georgia – In Columbus it’s illegal to sit on your porch in an indecent position.
Georgia – In Johnsboro it’s illegal to say Oh
Georgia – In Quitman it’s illegal for chickens to cross the road.
Hawaii – It’s illegal to appear in public wearing only swimming trunks.
Hawaii – It’s illegal to put pennies in your ear.
Hawaii – All residents may be fined for not owning a boat.
Hawaii – Twins can’t work for the same company.
Idaho – It’s a criminal offense to ride a merry go round on a Sunday.
Idaho – Boxes of candy given as romantic gifts must weigh over 50lbs.
Idaho – In Idaho falls it’s illegal for anyone over 88 to ride a motercycle.
Idaho – In Tamarack it’s illegal to purchase onions after dark except with a special permit from the sheriff.
Illinois – You may be arrested for vagrancy if you do not have at least a one dollar bill on your person.
Illinois – In the city of Chicago,a hat pin is considered a concealed weapon.
Illinois – In Chicago it’s illegal to take a French poodle to the opera.
Illinois – In Joilet it’s illegal for one to mispronounce the city’s name.
Illinois – In Zion it’s illigal to teach pets to smoke cigars.
Indiana – It’s illegal to bathe in the winter time.
Indiana – Liquor stores can’t sell milk or cold soft drinks.
Indiana – In Elkhart it’s illegal for a barber to threaten to cut a childs ears off.
Indiana – In Gary one can’t attend a public theater or ride on public transport within 4 hrs of eating an onion or garlic.
Iowa – A man with a moustache can’t kiss a woman in public.
Iowa – Kisses can’t last for more than 5 minutes
Iowa – In Dubuque any hotel within the city limits must have a water bucket and a hitching post in front of the building.
Iowa – In Mount Vernon no one can pick a flower from a city park.
Iowa – In Mount Vernon all softball diamond lights must be turned off at 10:30 pm.
Iowa – Within Ottumwa city limits a man can’t wink to any woman he doesn’t know.
Kansas – It’s illegal for restaurants to sell cherry pie Â… la mode on Sundays.
Kansas – In Witchita it’s illegal to carry a concealed bean snapper.
Kansas – In Witchita a husbands mistreatment of his mother-in-law
Kentucky – In Owensburrow a woman can’t buy a hat without her husband’s permission.
Louisiana – One may either be fined 5thousand dollars
Louisiana – It’s illegal to wear an alligator costume.
Louisiana – Catching lizards at night is prohibited.
Louisiana – In New Orlean’s it’s illegal for a woman to drive unless her husband is infront of the car waving a flag.
Louisiana – In Sulphur it’s illegal to be an alcholic.
Maine – The most money one can legally win gambling is three dollars.
Maine – After Jan 14th a person can be fined for having christmas decorations still up.
Maine – In Portland, it is illegal for men to tickle women under the chin with feather dusters.
Maine – It’s also illegal to have untied shoe laces while walking down a street in Portland.
Maine – In Watervile it’s illegal for one to blow ones nose in public.
Maryland – It’s Illegal to mistreat oysters.
Maryland – In Baltimore it’s illegal to scrub or wash sinks no matter how dirty they get.
Maryland – In Halethorpe it’s illegal to kiss another person for more than 1 second.
Massachusetts – Mourners at a wake can’t eat more than 3 sandwiches.
Massachusetts – Snoring is illegal unless all bedroom windows are shut and securly locked.
Massachusetts – It’s illegal to wear a goatee with out a license.
Massachusetts – Hunting on Sundays is prohibited.
Massachusetts – It’s illegal to go to bed without first having a full bath.
Massachusetts – It’s illegal to have a water gun fight/duel.
Massachusetts – In Boston two people may not kiss in front of a church.
Massachusetts – In Boston one can’t eat peanuts while in church.
Massachusetts – In Boston a citizen may not own more than 3 dogs.
Massachusetts – In Marlboro a citizen can’t own more than 2 dogs.
Massachusetts – In Salem even a married couple can’t sleep together in the nude in rented rooms.
Michigan – A state law stipulates that a woman’s hair legally belongs to her husband.
Michigan – One can’t swear in front of women or children.
Michigan – Under state law dentists are officaly classified as mechanics”.”
Michigan – In Detroit, it is illegal to make love in a car unless it is parked on your property.
Michigan – It’s against the law to serenade your girlfriend in Kalamazoo.
Minnesota – It’s illegal to sleep naked.
Minnesota – All men riding motorcycles must wear shirts.
Minnesota – Every man in Brainerd is required by law to grow a beard.
Minnesota – In International Falls dogs can’t chase cats up a telegraph pole, owners can be finned.
Minnesota – In Minneapolis, double-parkers can be put on a chain gang.
Minnesota – In St. Cloud hamburgers can’t be eaten on Sundays.
Mississippi – Cattle rustling is punishable by hanging.
Mississippi – In Oxford one may not spit on the sidewalks on the square.
Mississippi – In Oxford Motor vehicals on the squar are prohibited.
Mississippi – In Truro it is still legal to kill one’s servant.””
Missouri – A man must have a permit to shave.
Missouri – In Excelsior Springs it’s illigal to make a squirrel worry.
Missouri – In Kansas city instilation of a four legged bathtub with toes that resemble those of an animal is prohibited.
Missouri – In Marquette it’s illegal for more than 4 unrelated persons to occupy the same living space.
Missouri – In University City it’s illegal for a person to have a yard sale in your front yard”. It’s also Illegal to have more than 2 yardsales a year”
Minnesota – It’s a felony for a wife to open her husbands mail.
Minnesota – In Billings one can’t raise pet rats.
Minnesota – In Excelsior Springs one can’t throw a ball within city limmits.
Minnesota – In Helena no item can be thrown accross a street.
Minnesota – In Helana a woman’s cloths must weigh more than 3lb 2oz before she can legaly dance on a saloon table.
Minnesota – In Whitehall it’s illegal to operate a vehical with icepicks attached to it’s wheels.
Nebraska – It is illegal for a mother to give her daughter a perm without a state license.
Nebraska – It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
Nebraska – In Lehigh it’s illegal to sell donut holes.
Nebraska – In Omaha
Nevada – In Eureka, men who wear moustaches are forbidden from kissing women.
Nevada – Every one walking the streets of Elko is required to wear a mask.
Nevada – In Las Vegus it’s illegal to pawn ones dentures.
Nevada – In Nyala, a man is forbidden from buying drinks for more than three people other than himself at any one period during the day.
New Hampshire – It’s against the law to collect seaweed or rockweed from the seashore that is below the high watermark.
New Hampshire – It’s illegal to sell the cloaths of one’s back to pay off a gambling dept.
New Hampshire – It’s illegal to dye margarine pink.
New Jersey – It is against the law to “frown”at a police officer.”
“New Jersey – It is illegal to slurp soup.
New Jersey – In Dumont it’s illegal to spit on the sidewalks on Sundays.
New Jersey – In Newark
New Mexico – In Deming one can’t spit on the steps of the opera house.
New Mexico – In Las Chruces one can’t carry a lunch box down Main Street.
New York – It’s against the law to throw a ball at a person’s head just for fun.
New York – A license must be obtained for hanging cloths on a clothsline.
New York – In Walden you can’t give someone a drink of water with out a permit.
New York – In NYC a woman is permited to go topless in public provided it’s not being used as a business. They can also ride the subway topless.
New York – In NYC it’s illegal to smoke within 100 ft of a public building.
New York – According to law
New York – Carmel – it is illegal for a man to appear in public with pants and shirt that do not match.
New York – Greene – it is against the law to eat peanuts and walk backwards when a concert is on.
New York – New York City – it is against the law to have an unclothed mannequin in astore window.
New York – Staten Island – it is illegal to water your lawn with a sprinkler.
New Jersey – It is illegal to detain a homing pigeon.
New Jersey – Manville – it is illegal to offer whiskey or cigarettes to animals at the zoo.
North Carolina – It’s illegal for a bingo game to last longer than 5 hrs (unless this game is being played at a fair).
North Carolina – In Asheville it’s illegal to sneeze within city limmets.
North Carolina – In Charlotte women must have their bodies covered by atleast 16 yards of cloth at all times.
North Dakota – It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
North Dakota – It is illegal to serve beer and pretzels at the same time in any bar, club, or restaurant
Ohio – It’s illegal to fish for whales on Sundays.
Ohio – In Cleveland it’s also illegal for women to were patented leather shoes.
Ohio – Bexley – Ordinance #223 prohibits the installation and usage of slot machines in outhouses.
Ohio – Cleveland – it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while sitting in someone’s lap.
Ohio – Clinton County – it is against the law to lean on a public building at risk of a fine.
Ohio – Oxford – it is against the law for a woman to strip off her clothing while standing in front of a man’s picture.
Ohio – Paulding ? the law states that a police
Oklahoma – Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property.
Oklahoma – Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another’s hamburger.
Oklahoma – People who make “ugly faces”at dogs may be fined and/or jailed.”
“Oklahoma – Women can’t do their own hair with out being licensed by the state.
Oklahoma – Cars must be tethered outside of public buildings.
Oklahoma – In Schulter it’s illegal for a woman that’s either wearing only lingere or a towel or who’s totaly nude to gamble.
Oklahoma – It is against the law to get a fish drunk.
Oklahoma – Cushing – it is against the law to drink beer in your underwear.
Oklahoma – Duncan – it is illegal to wash your clothes in a birdbath.
Oklahoma – Hawthorne – according to city Ordinance #363
Oregon – Ice Cream can’t be eaten on Sundays.
Oregon – It’s illegal to buy or sell marijuana
Oregon – It’s illigal to be seen in public with the number 69 on any of ones clothing.
Oregon – In Beaverton you must buy a $10 permit to instal a burglar alarm.
Oregon – In Eugene it’s illegal to show movies or attend a car race on Saturdays.
Oregon – In Hood River juggling without a licence is prohibited.
Oregon – In Myrtle Creek it’s against the law to box with a Kangaroo.
Oregon – In Portland people are banned from wistling underwater.
Oregon – In Stanfield no more than two people can share a single drink.
Oregon – In Stanfield cloth towel dispensers are banned from restrooms.
Oregon – In Willowdale no man may curse while having sex with his wife.
Pennsylvania – A person who has particiapated in a duel is no longer elligible to become a Govenor.
Pennsylvania – A minister is prohibited from performing a marriage if either the bride or groom is drunk.
Pennsylvania – Men can’t purchase alcohol without written concent of their wives.
Pennsylvania – In Morrisville women need a permite to wear cosmetics.
Pennsylvania – In Philidephia you can’t put pretzels in bags.
Pennsylvania – According to state law, it is illegal to have over 16 women living together in one house because that constitutes a brothel.””
Pennsylvania – According to state law, it is illegal to sing in the bathtub.
Pennsylvania – A special ordinance prohibits homemakers from hiding dirt or dust under the rug of a home.
Pennsylvania – York – it is illegal to sit down while using a water hose.
Rhode Island – When passing a car on the left you are required to make a loud noise.
Rhode Island – It’s illegal to throw pickle juice on a trolley.
Rhode Island – In Newport, it’s illegal to smoke a pipe after sunset.
Rhode Island – In Providence it’s against the law to to jump off a bridge.
South Carolina – Musical Instruments may not be sold on Sundays.
South Carolina – A person must be 18 yrs old to operate a pinball machine.
South Dakota – It’s illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory.
South Dakota – Movies that show police officers being struck, beaten, or treated in an offensive manor are forbidden.
South Dakota – In Sioux Falls hotels are expected to have twin beds in every room which have to be at least 2ft apart. A couple can’t make love on the floor between the two beds.
Tennessee – It’s illegal to transport a skunk accross state lines (unless it’s to be used at a zoo).
Tennessee – It is illegal to use a lasso to catch a fish.
Tennessee – In Dyersburg
Texas – You can’t go bare foot without getting a special $5 permit.
Texas – It’s illegal to sell ones own eye.
Texas – It is illegal to milk another person’s cow.
Texas – In Houston
Utah – Birds have the right of way on highways.
Utah – In Monroe
Vermont – A woman must obtain written permission from their husband to wear false teeth.
Vermont – In Rutland it’s illegal to allow ones car to backfire.
Vermont – It is illegal to whistle underwater
Vermont – A law makes it mandatory for everyone to take a bath every week on Saturday night.
Virginia – An unmarried person can not have sex, this crime is punishable as a class 4 misdemenour.
Virginia – Driving with out wearing shoes is phohibited.
Virginia – It’s illegal to tickle women.
Virginia – In Lebanon it’s illegal to kick your wife out of bed.
Virginia – In Norfolk a man may face up to 60 days in jail for patting a woman’s derriere (bottom).
Virginia – Also in Norfolk spitting on a seagull is not tolerated.
Virginia – In Richmond it’s illegal to flip a coin at any eating establishment to see who pays for coffee.
Virginia – In Victoria it’s illegal to skate down the sidewalk of Maine Street.
Virginia – In Virginia Beach it’s illegal to ride on the handlebars of a bicycle.
Virginia – It is illegal to visit a cemetery for any other reason than visiting the deceased.
Virginia – It is against the law to have a bathtub inside your home.
Washington – All lolipops are banned.
Washington – It’s illegal to buy any meat product on Sunday.
Washington – One can’t buy a mattress on a Sunday.
Washington – In Bremerton one can’t shuck peanuts on the street.
Washington – In Lynden dancing and drinking may not occur at the same establishment.
Washington – In Spokane televisions can’t be bought on Sundays.
Washington – According to state law, it is illegal to paint polka dots on the American flag.
Washington – It is illegal to have possession of a lollipop.
Washington – Seattle – it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that is longer than 6 feet.
Washington – Spokane – it is illegal to purchase a television on the Sabbath.
Washington – Wilbur – it is illegal to ride an
West Virginia – It is illegal to snooze on a train.
West Virginia – If you wear a hat inside a theater you can be fined.
West Virginia – Roadkill can be taken home for dinner.
West Virginia – In Nicholas County
Wisconsin – It is illegal to cut a woman’s hair.
Wisconsin – It is illegal to kiss on a train.
Wisconsin – Unless a person spesificaly orders margarine it’s prohibited to serve it as a substitute for butter especialy in state prisons.
Wisconsin – Live stock have the right of way on all public roads.
Wisconsin – In Foxpoint it’s illegal for dogs to bark profusely, snarl or make any menicing gestures.
Wisconsin – In Hudson screens are required on all windows from May 1st to October 1st.
Wisconsin – Las Crosse it’s illegal to play checkers in public.
Wisconsin – Raccine women may not walk down a public street at night unless accompanied by a man.
Wisconsin – In Seboygan only police officers can shoot birds with in the city.
Wisconsin – In St. Croix, women are not allowed to wear anything red in public.
Wisconsin – Sun Praire cats are forbidden from entering cemetaries.
Wyoming – In public theaters or places of amusement it’s illegal to wear a hat that obstructs another persons veiw.
Wyoming – It’s illegal for women to stand any closer to the bar than 5 feet while drinking.
Wyoming – It’s illegal to tickle women.
There are many times as a designer you need to find a nice looking font, this can enhance many projects. In this article we present 14 sites with a variety of free fonts. Watch the licenses as some of these may only be for personal use and not for any commercial projects but there are many can be used in the listings below
Google Fonts – A collection of over 800 fonts from Google with a preview, easy navigation
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1001FreeFonts – Actually over 10000 fonts on this site but most are for personal usage only. You can actually download them all for $19.95
UrbanFonts – Over 30000 free fonts on this site, easy to navigate site with previews of the fonts. Also has commercial fonts on sale.
AbstractFonts – 1000s of fonts available here which are easily viewable online.
NorthernBlock – A small collection of free fonts
Hypefortype – 170 free fonts on this paid fonts site
Fawnt – 9348 fonts with previews, character maps and customisable preview. You can also browse the fonts by category or alphabetically