[playbuzz-item item=”ff910dd3-6a4d-4cb7-b0bd-aa06fdda55c3″ format=”story”]
For the first series of puzzles, we have anagrams of English Premier league teams – can you solve them all
unchristened team
cystis awane
parcel casalty
mouth unrobe
studflower hidden
ricey lets cite
dilutes went acne
untimed ah stew
span mouth to
bichromate wins bowl
Click next to see the answers
Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, never? never forget it.
Love is a circle that doth restless move in the same sweet eternity of love.
Love is the energy of the soul. Love is what heals the personality. There is nothing that cannot be healed by love. There is nothing but love.
Love is always bestowed as a gift ? freely, willingly and without expectation. We don?t love to be loved; we love to love.
Love is a VERB? an action we CHOOSE to carry out. Take action today and show the one you love how you feel about them.
Love is like a roller coaster,Once you have completed the ride, you want to go again.
Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality.
Love changes darkness into light and makes the heart take a wingless flight.
Love at first sight is often cured by a second look.
Love is sweet when it?s new, but sweeter when it?s true.
Love is like a butterfly, it settles upon you when you least expect it.
Love is the hardest habit to break, and the most difficult to satisfy.
Love is like a glass door? sometimes you don?t see it, and it smacks you right in your face.
Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
Forever is not a word?rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there.
One?s first love is always perfect until one meets one?s second love.
Where the sacred laws of honour are once invaded, love makes the easier conquest.
Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one?s breath.
Not all of us have to possess earthshaking talent. Just common sense and love will do.
When they asked me what I loved most about life, I smiled and said you.
And think not, you can direct the course of love; for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
There are very few people who are not ashamed of having been in love when they no longer love each other.
I have learned not to worry about love; But to honor its coming with all my heart.
I speak in hugs & kisses because true love never misses I will lead or follow to be with you tomorrow.
One does not fall ?in? or ?out? of love. One grows in love.
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.
Love appears in moments, how long can I hold a moment, as my moment fades, I yearn to catch sight or sound of you, to feel the surging of my heart erupt into joyous sounds of laughter.
However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship.
The essence of romantic love is that wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule.
Within you, I lose myself. Without you,I find myself wanting to be lost again.
We don?t believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.
Love is the only satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
Love is a puzzle posed by the emotions and not likely to be solved by reason.
Love is hard to get into, but even harder to get out of.
They say love is blind?and marriage is an institution. Well, I?m not ready for an institution for the blind just yet.
Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.
Love gives light even in the darkest tunnel.
Love is always within. When you try to dramatize your love, you lose the depth of the love.
The act of love . . . is a confession. Selfishness screams aloud, vanity shows off, or else true generosity reveals itself.
Love is too weak a word for what I feel ? I luuurve you, you know, I loave you, I luff you, two F?s, yes I have to invent, of course I do, don?t you think I do??
To love is to admire with the heart:to admire is to love with the mind.
If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back they?d never ask you to.
Love is like the wind, powerful yet beautiful.
Love, like a mountain-wind upon an oak, falling upon me, shakes me leaf and bough.
If love is a game, it has to be the hardest game in the world. After all, how can anyone win a game where there are no rules?
If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don?t have it, no matter what else there is, it?s not enough.
Perhaps love is the process of my gently leading you back to yourself.
One who walks the road with love will never walk the road alone.
Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy.
Life is just like life, which is not easy on every way, nor do you find happiness on every turn; but then if don?t give up on life then why do we give up on love.
1) Install TTFTitles
You want to start a WordPress blog, but you only have a limited amount of themes and there’s a limit to how much you can change quickly and easily. But you can use what you already have – text, and change the fonts in order to make the blog your own.
2) Use Drop Caps
Drop Caps allows you to make your blog posts seem more like a news article. People are familiar with that format and feel more comfortable reading text that is formatted that way. The capitalized letters allow the user to instantly focus his attention at the beginning of a post.
3) Use Gravatar to encourage participation
By using Gravatar you are helping yourself and encouraging userparticipation. If posters will have a distinct photo it makes them lookmore like individuals, and their posts will be easily recognized, andthey’ll get due credit on their insight. It will also help you discover theusage statistics visually.
4) Display your categories like a website
Websites display their pages and categories in a horizontal line. There isn’t any excuse to not doing this. It will give your blog a much more professional and orderly look, and it will allow you to vacate the already cluttered side bar for more important links.
5) Venture outside of WordPress for themes
Everyone and their mother uses the same themes that WordPress offers. It gives a slapdhash and unprofessional feeling to your website. You need to venture to website where wordpress themes are offered for free or for a small sum. If you opt to use the regular ones, at least change the colors – personalize it.
6) Use an anti-virus plugin
By placing an anti-virus plugin you are ensuring that your posts and fileswon’t get infected with a virus. If you get infected with a virus andpeople download it, you will receive a bad reputation and be flagged asa harmful website by various programs and search engines.
7) Keep your readers informed on your future plans
By keeping your readers informed you are asking them to give you advice and to be part of the website. They will be able to dictate – to a certain extant – the direction of the website. They will be able to ask for posts on certain days, or for certain posts.
8) Host a month long posting marathon
You can increase user participation by stating that you are going to hold a month long writing marathon. Make sure to start during the first day ofa month, rather than just choosing 30/31 days. Your users will expect those posts and will participate more – you can also take suggestions of posts.
9) Take care of your weekly routine
You need to write and write a lot. Make sure you write the things that aren’t timely, or that will still be timely a month later. You can post them in WordPress using a future posting date, which means it’ll get posted awhile after you wrote it, leaving you room to take care of immediate posts.
10) Use a plugin that mails you your posts & comments
By mailing you your posts you are automatically creating a backup copy of it on a professionally kept server, which in itself backs up the material on it, without your intervention. That way you know that users’ comments and your posts are safe, no matter what happens.
11) Add co-authors
By adding co-authors you are allowing your blog to be populated at all times. That way you can avoid having big gaps, and your users can enjoy a different focus and viewpoint. If you’re hesitant you can always proofread the posts. Plus – you can get a co-author for free from your users.
12) Have a submission week every month
where your users can send you posts and you will choose one and post it to your blog, with the credit going to the user who wrote it. It will encourage users to provide you with good free content and to keep reading your blog.
13) Sign up to a service that keeps track of logins
By keeping track of which people visited your website, from where theyvisited it, what link referred them to your website, and how much timethey spent on each post, etc, you can direct your attention to improvingthe less visited posts, and you can reward a user that refers people toyour blog on a constant basis.
14) Don’t mix trackbacks and comments
A trackback isn’t important for the users. It helps you by advertising your blog and a certain post in it, and helps you spread the word about your blog, but your users don’t care. They just want to comment on comments, not be bogged down with dozens of trackback links.
15) Use an accordion sidebar
You need to place an emphasis on design and ease of use. Having all of the links available to a user isn’t very helpful, especially if you have a lot of links. Bundle links under certain descriptive categories, which the user will click on for those links.
16) Add tabs to your website – like Twitter
Tabs are an easy and recognizable method for people to surf your website. They will be able to easily reach certain locations, without having to reload the page. Use tabs for the more important and often updating things such as user comments, or for popular or recent posts.
17) Use a plugin to reduce the amount of comments per page
When new users see a long list of comments and comments on comments, they get a headache and opt to not participate. You can avoid the clutter – instead of loading all those comments, place a small amount of them with the original post – it keeps the focus on the post itself.
18) Allow a hierarchy of posts
By allowing for people to comment on other people’s comments, youare encouraging discussion. By using a hierarchy of posts you areallowing people to quickly distinguish between a discussion and acomment about the original post, and users get to pick and choose whatto read.
19) Use the Simple Pull Quote plugin
The Simple Pull Quote is another way for you to both attract people to your posts, and to allow you to maintain a fluidity in your posts. It allows you to post quotes in a noticeable newspaper way, and gives your blog a much more professional look that way.
20) Allow people to resize your posts
Some web browsers already offer that feature to users, but some don’t. Plus the web browsers that offer that feature sometimes hide it or make it hard to use. You can cut the middleman and allow people to resize the font size, making your posts accessible to people with eye problems.
This is something which US readers will probably know but others will find astonishing is the cost of some of the stadiums in the NFL. With a proposed stadium Las Vegas being touted at $1.9 billion dollars – yes you read that correctly.
Most fans will say the costs are justified, what we don’t say in this article is how the stadiums were funded – thats another story
This collection of hip strengthening and stretching videos is useful for anyone who feels like the have tight hip flexors, this can mean you develop lower back pain and is extremely common in people that have jobs that involve sitting all day.
There are also a couple of videos for women who want to get wider hips thrown in as well
In this article we present 15 apps or websites where you can make money with a mobile phone, this can mean navigating a website with your phone or downloading an app.
We have tried to avoid survey apps or apps that focus on primarily cash back rewards for things like credit card offers
1 : Appbounty : Discover Awesome Apps. Earn Cash Rewards. Visit their website, earn credits downloading an app, credits can be used for iTunes & Amazon Gift Cards or Xbox Live and PS Network Points
2 : http://appnana.com/ : Get AppNana for your iOS or Android. Earn credits with awesome apps and games you play each time.Get any paid app and game for free. Redeem Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Xbox gift cards.
3. http://en.appjobber.com/ : Earn cash for doing location based tasks, based on your own location when you download the app. You have to complete a task, answer any questions and these will be reviewed
4. http://apptrailers.com/ : Simple concept, watch trailers of apps, collect points and redeem these points at places like amazon, itunes and some others
5. https://www.bounts.it/ : A bit more obscure this one, download the app and connect your fitness apps, you can earn points by reaching your daily target and completing goals. Use your points to redeem exclusive offers and discounts from big name brands and retailers.
6. www.clicandwalk.com : Make money with your smartphone by completing photo missions. App is for android or IoS.
7. www.swagbucks.com : Shop online, Watch entertaining videos, Search the web, Answer surveys and find great deals to earn your points. Redeem your points for gift cards to your favorite retailers like Amazon and Walmart or get cash back from PayPal.
8. http://featurepoints.com/ : Earn points by downloading free apps on your iPhone or Android device, and trying them for a minute. Redeem your points for rewards, including paid apps, iTunes, Amazon, Starbucks, PayPal cash, and more.
9. http://www.gigwalk.com/ : Once you’ve downloaded and installed Gigwalk on an Android or IoS device, you are known as a “gigwalker”, you then have to complete short location based jobs known as “gigs” to earn yourself some cash. Apply for Gigs through the map or Gig List. After being accepted, follow the Gig instructions and submit your work directly in the app. You get paid via paypal
10. https://www.iconzoomer.com/ : Iconzoomer is global network of +400.000 people that get paid to test ideas, products and websites.The more tests you solve the more money you earn. All you need to participate is a mobile phone and a laptop.
11. http://instantrewardsapp.com/ : With Instant Rewards you can earn credits for downloading apps, watching videos and completing offers.
12. https://www.perk.com/ : You can earn points by watching videos, completing offers, referring friends and downloading apps. These points can then be converted into Amazon gift cards or Paypal cash.
13. http://uk.qustodian.com/ : Get paid for reading short adverts within the app
14. http://streetspotr.com/en : You download the app from the app store, register and confirm your email address and then you will be able to start short tasks called Spots.
15. http://www.task360.co.uk/ : Another location based tasks app, Tasks come in all shapes and sizes.Tasks can involve taking photos, checking information, measuring spaces, counting products or giving opinions.