Home Health Weight Loss Superfoods 30 tips

Weight Loss Superfoods 30 tips

by shedboy71

1) Green Tea
Due to an antioxidant called catechin, green tea helps fight oxidative damage and also increases your metabolism. It helps increase the release of fat from your fat cells. It also lowers your levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases your good cholesterol (HDL).

2) Matcha
Meaning “powdered tea” in Japanese, Matcha is made from grinding Japanese tencha leaf into a fine green powder. It has a has a high concentration of an antioxidant called EGCG which is roughly 137 times the amount you find in regular green teas you buy in stores. EGCG breaks down the formation of fat cells and helps burn fat.

3) BlueBerries
The antioxidants found in blueberries protect cells from damage and reduces the accumulation of protein clumps associated with Alzheimer’s disease. This is because it changes the way neurons in your brain communicate. The antioxidants also help remove unwanted fat.

4) Strawberries
Strawberries can help you keep your sweet tooth satisfied, help you burn fat and help you fight cancer cells. This is because of the polyphenols, ellagitannins and phytochemicals contained within them. Tip: add them to your fruit salad, yoghurt or morning oatmeal.

5) Apples
Apples contain soluble fiber, and when added to a person’s regular diet it will help you lose visceral belly fat over time. Also, it contains a flavonoid called quercetin that helps lower the risk of coronary disease.

6) Guava
You can get 600% of your daily intake of vitamin C from one cup of guava. It also contains more protein than any other fruit helping to keep you full for longer.

7) Avocado
Due to the protein content in avocado, it will help keep the hunger away and help make you feel satiated. It also decreases the risk of heart disease and lowers cholesterol levels because of the mono and polyunsaturated fats contain within it.

8) Bananas
Bananas can help you stop fat storage because of the B Vitamins contained within them. It can also help with depression because of a nutrient called folate which helps serotonin enter the brain faster.

9) Grapefruit
A phytonutrient contained in grapefruit called lycopene helps decrease the risk of lung, bladder, skin, stomach and prostate cancers as well as reduce the risk of heart disease. It also helps lower cholesterol levels and reduce visceral belly fat.

10) Lucuma
Lucuma is a Peruvian fruit rich in fiber, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It has anti-cancer properties due to the beta-carotene contained inside of it. Tip: Add it to a smoothie blend.

11) Broccoli
Broccoli is a cancer fighting vegetable. By eating broccoli you can lower the rate of breast, prostate, skin and lung cancer. This is because of a compound called sulforaphane that targets and kills cancer cells in the body.

12) Spinach
Spinach can help with liver disease as it contains two compounds called choline and betaine, as well as vitamin E. These help lower fatty acid levels in the liver.

13) Sundried Tomatoes
Tomatoes can decrease your risk of bladder, prostate, lung, stomach and skin cancers. Also it can reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. This is because of an antioxidant called lycopene. It also is a source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

14 & 15 Beets and Beet Greens Beets can protect the heart and improve your athletic performance. This is because of the Nitrates contained in them. Nitrates reduce the amount of oxygen required during physical exercise, increases endurance and lowers blood pressure. It protects the heart by relaxing arterial walls.

16) Eggplant
Eggplant contains chlorogenic acid that is good for killing free radicals in your body. It also helps boost short term memory and reduces inflammation due to antioxidants called anthocyanins. These give neuroprotective benefits.

17) Watercress
Watercress can be referred to as an anti aging food. It contains four times the amount of beta carotene than an apple, and 238 percent of the recommended daily intake for vitamin K. These two properties keep your skin looking youthful.

18) Grapes
Grapes help offer protection against cardiovascular disease due to the resveratrol contained within them. Also red grapes contain anthocyanins which slow down the storage of fat.

19) Cauliflower
This vegetable contains cancer fighting compounds glucosinolates and isothiocyanates. These reduce the inflammation that leads to prostate cancer.

20) Maca
Maca is a peruvian root plant. It is rich in phytonutrients, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It also helps with regulating your energy and stress levels through your adrenal function. Tip: add it to your smoothies.

21) Kale
Kale is believed to lower the occurrence of cancers such as ovarian and breast cancers. Scientists believe this is because the phytonutrients in kale send a signal to the liver to produce enzymes that kill potentially cancer causing substances.

22) Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can help a person lose weight in comparison to someone who uses olive oil. This is because of the medium chain triglycerides within coconut oil that are broken down immediately for use instead of stored as fat. This can speed up your metabolism.

23) Turmeric
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory food because of a phytochemical called curcumin. Curcumin has many biological functions such as being an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic and anticancer agent.

24) Black Pepper
Black pepper can treat digestive and inflammation problems as well as adipogenesis. Adipogenesis is is a process that stops the formation of fat cells which helps with decreasing cholesterol and body fat.

25) Walnuts
Walnuts contain antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids that substantially reduce the risk of contracting heart disease. From a recent study, you can substantially improve blood flow to and from the heart in just 8 weeks from just consuming 2 ounces a day.

26) Kidney Beans
The high fiber content in kidney beans means they take a longer time to digest and as a result doesn’t cause your blood sugar levels to spike. This also makes it a low GI food which is beneficial in helping prevent type 2 diabetes.

27) Lentils
Lentils are a very cost effective food to buy. It is a good source of protein and fiber. It is also a rich source of folate which is important for forming red blood cells and improves function of nerve cells. The high fiber content also makes you feel fuller for longer.

28) Sprouted Whole Grain Bread
Sprouted whole grain bread is a nutrient dense bread. It is rich in protein, lentils which are filled with folate, and grains and seeds like millet and barley. Millet and barley are a top source of fiber beta-glucan which lowers cholesterol.

29) Teff
Teff is a gluten free grain filled with essential amino acids, fiber, calcium and Vitamin C. It has a nutty flavour and you can use it to replace your morning oatmeal with a teff porridge that is high in protein.

30) Quinoa
Quinoa is a seed that contains nine essential amino acids, filled with protein and is gluten free. It also helps control type 2 diabetes because of the potassium, iron, fiber and magnesium contained within, helping to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

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